Thursday, 10 November 2016

Malukiloriti Dispensary opened in Taveta Sub County

Malukiloriti Dispensary opened in Taveta Sub County
Governor John Mruttu today officiated the launching of Malukiloriti Dispensary in Mahoo Ward Taveta Sub County.
The governor said the project is among the mechanisms initiated by the County Government to improve healthcare in the County.
"The County Government has undertaken 20 projects ranging from construction, equipping, expansion of structures and recruiting of experts to boost health services," said Governor Mruttu.

The dispensary's construction and equipping was fully funded by the County Government. It will serve Malikuloriti, Timbila, Luworo among other areas neighboring it.
County Director of Health Dr. John Logedi confirmed that the facility will offer general out patient services, vaccination and VCT services among others.
Health CECM Gifton Mkaya noted that the dispensary will offer free health services that will meet the health needs of the community in Mahoo Ward.
County First Lady Hope Mruttu graced the event.

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